Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Cotton Ball

So much for posting regular updates! With the exception of the first night, I haven’t had internet access during my entire house sitting tenure making posting all but impossible. (that's why I'm posting this from my room...I can't stay away from the internet this long unless I'm on vacation!) I’ve been keeping track of my stay here with a cotton ball count. I use one per night to take off my makeup, and am down to one, one little cotton ball. This means I sleep in my bed tomorrow without a little doggie to wake me up. Ah, the joys of simple things.

One of my most challenging tasks has been taking the dog for a walk. The walk itself is a no brainer, however the leash is a different story. Now, I’m a fairly smart person, have a masters degree (I know, I know, history isn’t exactly related to dog sitting), and could not for the life of me figure out how to get that stupid thing on. So, after two days of intense struggling I happened on a brilliant idea: you tube. I spent one of my ten minute breaks at work researching how to put on a step in harness leash. (Actually, I didn’t know that's what it was called. I think the initial search started with “leash for small dogs.”) I am happy to report my search was successful, and it's a piece of cake. Turns out, I misunderstood how it snapped together and thereby caused the difficulty. I think Cooper was much happier with me once I figured out what I was doing.

Next up: wing walkers courtesy of the OCGP!


BarbwireCowgirl said...

LOL! Loved hearing about your predictament over the leash, however, you don't like sleeping with a dog?! giggle ;)

LittleDreamer said...

Not exactly. They wiggle and bark and I'm not used to that!