Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nothing Earth Shattering

With one week until the fall semester begins, I find that I have just begun to truly relax. It has taken the entire summer to reach this point where I am enjoying the little things and allowing myself to focus on something other than the pressing details or to do list. Why did it have to take so long?!!!

It’s been a while since I have posted on a regular basis. Life has been busy, and I seem to have the idea that if I don’t have something substantial to say then I might as well not write anything at all. However, I decided that even if my post is not earth shattering there’s no reason why I can’t share a random quote, musing, or any other little tidbit of information. Hopefully, I can contribute on somewhat of a regular basis…which would afford a nice respite from the rigors of graduate school.


Christina said...

I know what you mean! Being newly married and in grad school isn't especially conducive to blog-writing-time. But it's fun and worth it, especially as it's a good way to keep up while I'm away! Hang in their, fellow blogging friend! :)

The Orchard Christian Church said...

My wife and I are planting a church in north Montebello- since you like the Bible and Avalon, you may be interested in our blog-

Matthew and Kumi Perri