Now that my room has been beautified with a fresh coat of paint, it's time to tackle wall art, and specifically, pictures frames. I plan to display photos Dad and I have taken on our various trips, but I can't decide what color frames to use. Should I use all the same style and color (such as Pottery Barn's wood frames), a variety of colors and styles, pick two get the idea. My typical MO would be to go with a uniform look, but I like the idea of changing it up. I've already okay'd two framed pictures that have dark brown frames. Would it look okay to pair dark brown with black? I try to visualize the various choices, and while I've spent a small fortune on returnable items (so I can see them in the space), I'm getting a little tired of driving around Southern California returning my purchases.
Here are the frames I'm looking at. The Pottery Barn expresso frame (2 5x7s) has already been vetoed. (the off white mat is so yellow it would drive me bonkers!) I borrowed the picture with Seth so I could see what a black frame looks like next to the brown one. And I'm not entirely sold on the white...
I really want to branch out of my comfort zone, but I also want a certain air of sophistication. Gah!